hi, have got my exams scheduled for the weekend but am really not sure if i should go ahead and give it now as i am getting in the seventies with Jweb+ but yesterday i gave Cobians exam and got 50%?? can some of u who are done with the exams please help me to decide.. Thanks
if you took ALL of the JWebPlus mock exams and score 70% or above, you can hack the real exam. If you only took one of the mock exam, you are not ready.
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the J2EE Platform<br />Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform
Hi taash!Didnt know that u had ur exams this fast.Anyway do let us know about ur experience afterwards.I'm still stuck with the custom tag problem.All the best for ur exams!
Hi taash, don't worry with the Cobian's exam. This is the only mock exam where I also failed with 52%.... You better judge yourself through JWEb+ or SCWCD@Whiz along with other mocks...
Ashik Uzzaman Director of Engineering, Twin Health, Mountain View, CA, USA
thanks all for the encouragement and guidance.I was really very taken aback with my results from Cobians test actually and then i was scoring in the 70's only in Jweb+ (all the exams and practice exams too)so decided to give it a couple more days..
Cheers<p>Taash<br />SCJP2
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