Not too sure what you mean here, but the easiest way to remember the APIs (other than hardwiring it into your memory) must surely be by coding and using them, and preferably making mistakes with them along the way - Mark.
Hi mark, thanks for replying so soon. U r right the best way is to code things and learn them. i have learnt a lot of what i know that way but couldn't remember each and every method of each and every package with their return values. With the sample exams i have been giving especially mika's i realise u have to really remeber them all for the exam. which is where it is becoming a little difficult so i thought if somebody had devised a simple method to remeber atleast which methods come in each pack it would be a great help
Hi Taash I guess the best things always come at a price, or at least a lot of hard work How did you go with studying the APIs for the SCJP2 exam? I'm new to JSP and Servlets but their APIs seem a whole lot simpler than the methods I was trying to cram into my single braincell for java.lang,, java.util, etc...
hi mark ya i m myself trying to cram all of the material in my teeny-weeny brain and am getting a little nervous as the exam date is nearing i think . with SCJP2 i had experience writing java code with JSP and servlets i hardly do. but i am hoping and trying for the best
Hi Taash I don't know too many people who don't get nervous before writing an exam, no matter how well acquainted they are with their subject matter. But just think how, brimming with confidence after successfully passing your SCWCD, you can rush back to this forum and explain to the rest of us how easy it was Good Luck!
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