<a href="http://weblog.homelinux.com/blojsom/blog/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://weblog.homelinux.com/blojsom/blog/</a>
<i>Dare to dream - everything that exists today,was once a figment of someone's imagination, nobody says tomorrow can't be a figment of your today.</i>
- Jess
Blog:KnitClimbJava | Twitter: jsant | Ravelry: wingedsheep
just to play devil's advocate -- From my experience, more companies build pure JSP/Servlet applications than those that use EJBs. So from that regard, JSP/Servlet knowledge could be more valuable.
<a href="http://weblog.homelinux.com/blojsom/blog/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://weblog.homelinux.com/blojsom/blog/</a>
<i>Dare to dream - everything that exists today,was once a figment of someone's imagination, nobody says tomorrow can't be a figment of your today.</i>
No holds barred. And no bars holed. Except this tiny ad:
Smokeless wood heat with a rocket mass heater