These are not taken from any certified exams, but belonging to a assessment
test for registration purpose.
Can you guys pls let me know what are the answers or them? (I find the questions to be simple yet not precise per the
Servlet APIs)
1. Which corresponding method in the HttpServlet class do you use to retrieve the value of a text field on an HTML form?
A. doPost
B. getParameter(
String fieldName)
C. getHTTP(String fieldName)
D. doGet(String fieldName
2. What causes a servlet to load (2 options, choose the simplest/least operational impact)
A. A Web server start
B. The container detects that a class file has changed.
C. It is configured to do so periodically
D. It is loaded upon every request
3. Which interface defines the methods for retrieving form parameters
A. ServletRequest
B. ServletResponse
C. HTTPRequest
D. HTTPResponse
(This question seems to be quite funky as none of the options are 'interface' in the
J2EE 1.3 APIs, right?)