I want to know how to get the standard output while deploying a servlet/jsp? Like in a servlet program, I coded System.out.print("sth"), where can I get the string message? Please give me a clue. Thanks.
clue: Tomcats little black window [ July 31, 2003: Message edited by: Amer Khan ]
<i>Dare to dream - everything that exists today,was once a figment of someone's imagination, nobody says tomorrow can't be a figment of your today.</i>
I dont know the details, but I think sometimes its impossible to see the standard output. I remember facing this problem and not getting a solution. Has it got something to do with javaw/java? Even I would like to get some clarification on the issue.
Messages written to System.out are usually dumped into a generic (non-webapp specific) log file if the console is not available. For example, if you are running tomcat as a service, checkout <tomcat home>/logs/stdout.lot Same thing with WebLogic and Resin. Believe me, your messages are not lost. They must be there somewhere in one of the log files. Look harder
<i>Dare to dream - everything that exists today,was once a figment of someone's imagination, nobody says tomorrow can't be a figment of your today.</i>