Here is what I know about beta exams (as I learned with SCBCD):
- The beta is free of charge, but that means not it has no price.
- It will have a ton of questions for a long time to answer (150+ questions, 5hs). That's an estimative based on Bert's comments ()
this thread - The REAL exam will be a lot shorter in both time and number of questions (still not final, 60 question in 90 minutes as I was last informed).
- Passing the beta is equal to passing the real exam (in terms of certificate).
- Evelyn Cartagena (from Sun) is the responsible for the Beta testers, and she already told us she'll post at JavaRanch when the time for the testers arrive. evelyn dot cartagena AT sun dot com for further details directly w/ her.
I hope that helped.