Hi Ann,
I have some weblogic questions. Thought maybe it could help.
�What are BEA's plans for implementing its own version of JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL)? Along with other
JSP 2.0 support, built-in JSTL support would help make web application development much easier and help promote the use of JSTL.
Asked by Steve Bang
�When will Weblogic be supported on Mac OS X?
Asked by Lu Timdale
�what can you tell us about the rumors of Oracle considering acquisition of Bea ?
Asked by Roberto Borghesi
�I've worked through the WL Workshop tutorial, and it's easy to build a web service. But it seems that there is no easy way to build a
Java client app. Do I really have to run
Ant and batch files, etc. It should be as easy to build a client as to build the service. Am I missing something?
Asked by Dave Wilson
�How do avoid out of memory errors in weblogic Server 7.0? is there any tuning on the server side? We are getting this problem more often. After deployed our application,Server is running for one or two days. After that it is giving memory error.Now this is a big issue for us. can you elucidates all possible server side tuning?
Asked by Saravanan.G
�Will the upcoming WLS 8.1 release contain any new features from
J2EE 1.4/EJB 2.1? Given that J2EE 1.4 is to be released by Sun in February, is there a "ballpark" ETA for a WLS version with a complete J2EE 1.4 implementation?
Asked by J. Michael Towry
�I have used Workshop with WLS 7.0.1. How will Workshop be extended and enhanced in WLS 8.0?
Asked by Tony Ciafardoni
�Eric -- Does WebLogic see any differentiation in running your tools on the platforms of various hardware vendors, e.g., HP? Thanks!
Asked by Jay Haskell
�HI I am in search of finding best application server for our webbased product. Can you just briefly explain me the advance of weblogic server over other application servers? It will be very useful for us.
Asked by Sreedhar
�Why does it take so long before WebLogig 7 becomes compatible with JDK 1.4?
Asked by Pal Hoye
�How can i use precompile using weblogic 7.0? WLS should not compile my JSP at all? .. I tried all the possible ways but it did not work?
Asked by Pravin
�With the increasing incompatibility between each release of Sun's JDK,(for example CORBA) do you believe that backwards compatability is a realistic longterm goal for Appservers.
Asked by Neil Martin
�1- As more and more of appserver "added functionality" becomes part of one spec or another, do you plan to continue to differentiate weblogic server in the future by adding additional proprietary tools/API's, or by improving the administration of the server (i.e. through better deployment / maintenance / monitoring / scalability / log file management, etc.) 2- Why does BEA not provide cost information on their web site? When doing research it is hard to compare alternatives, when one can not compare costs. All the other major J2EE vendors provide cost information on their web sites. 3- What technical advantages does Weblogic have over
JBoss, that justify the sizeable investment in a per-CPU Weblogic license? To put it another way, what do I get for my 5- or 6-figure investment in Weblogic that I can't get for free from JBoss?
Asked by akbar aghazadeh
�Can Webloigc optimize away RMI when the EJB is co-located with its consumer(client)
Asked by Prakasam Kannan
�Why does BEA not provide cost information on their web site? When doing research it is hard to compare alternatives, when one can not compare costs. All the other major J2EE vendors provide cost information on their web sites.
Asked by Thomas H. Case
�Considering how complicated a server-side product WebLogic Server is, do you consider 2.25 years from product launch to de-support a long enough time? Please consider (especially for large shops): 1. jumping on a new product version is foolhardy; six months of settle-time is prudent and get SP1 or SP2. 2. multiple projects, with different or possibly the same resources, have to be aligned. 3. stress-tested burn-in time in Dev,
Test, and QA is prudent. 4. IT departments have more to do than upgrade infrastructure. So it's reasonable that a year has already gone by before a WLS can be migrated confidently into Production, leaving that a little over a year before production problems are not supported.
Asked by Mike Gardner
�When will Weblogic's JRocket JVM support Unix (HP-UX) platform?
Asked by Ganesh Venkatesasundaram
�What advantages does weblogic have over websphere?
Asked by anas mughal
�What technical advantages does Weblogic have over JBoss, that justify the sizeable investment in a per-CPU Weblogic license? To put it another way, what do I get for my 5- or 6-figure investment in Weblogic that I can't get for free from JBoss?
Asked by David Glasser
�Do you plan to invest in a partner program with (an)
IDE's manufacturer(s) ? Do you think of the possibility to buy Borland ?
Asked by Emeric Vernat (fr)
�When will Weblogic Server support Java 1.4.1?
Asked by Rory Sherman
�We are running WLS 6.1 sp3 and I just set up a NT file-realm. Using JNDI to perform NT Authentication is easy, but I'm a little confused on using JAAS w/in Weblogic. I have searched the online docs, but still not sure. Could you provide an overview of how JAAS works with Weblogic 6.1?
Asked by Mike
�When will Weblogic's JRocket JVM implement Java 1.4 and the Java Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 specifications?
Asked by Keith Wilson
�As more and more of appserver "added functionality" becomes part of one spec or another, do you plan to continue to differentiate weblogic server in the future by adding additional proprietary tools/API's, or by improving the administration of the server (i.e. through better deployment / maintenance / monitoring / scalability / log file management, etc.)
Asked by Tim Dawson
�Where do you see Weblogic Workshop going in the future? Do you feel you've gained enough market share to make it a worth while development?
Asked by Joe Weber
Hope it helps. Thanks.