Hi all, Im planning to take the SCWCD exam. I can give around 20 days dedicated time for the preparation(6 hours a day). Plus 15 days time where I will be able to manage around 2 hours a day. I have worked on JSPservlets but no tag libraries. How many months study would be sufficient on an average? Would this be sufficient? any tips to study in a short time and get maximum knowledge? Regards, Tina
Alongwith being a good coder, try to be a good professional as well!
very useful answer. It all depends on how experienced you are and how easy you can pick new things up. if you're planning 20 days/6 hours, then I'd say 2 months. But again, it all depends on you. good luck
I'm not going to be a Rock Star. I'm going to be a LEGEND! --Freddie Mercury
I think one month is enough as long as you've known Servlet and JSP.Many reports have said SCWCD is easier than SCJP.I just passed SCJP two days ago and I will clear SCWCP in one month.