Hi Ranchies! I have just started preparing for SCWCD. Would like to have your suggestions/guidance on the preparation books/study material/links stuff. Thanks in advance
i have gone thru the existing messages in tihs forum but dont find any good book to start as a learner. has anybody read "More Servlets and JSP". Comments?
Are you looking for existing SCWCD or the new version coming up soon?
SCJP, SCJD, SCWCD1.4, IBM486, IBM484, IBM 483, IBM 287, IBM141, IBM Certified Enterprise Developer - WebSphere Studio, V5.0
Author of IBM 287 Simulator Exam
SCJP, SCJD, SCWCD1.4, IBM486, IBM484, IBM 483, IBM 287, IBM141, IBM Certified Enterprise Developer - WebSphere Studio, V5.0
Author of IBM 287 Simulator Exam
Which one is best BOOK to start preparation with? 1) Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) Exam Study Kit by Hanumant 2) Java Web Component Developer Certification (scwcd) by Wrox 3) Head First SCWCD by Basham Bryan Any other suggestions? Pls advise..
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