posted 20 years ago
What kind of problem are you having with the download? From the Download Center FAQ these suggestions helped me download. I used the quick fix with a shift save as (see end of answer).
Q. When I click the download link, instead of downloading the file, it gets displayed as weird looking text in the browser. Why, and how do I fix this?
A: The reason this is happening is because the browser is getting confused about what the data is and tries to display it instead of downloading it. In the preferences for your browser, you need to configure it to download files that have an extension like ".tar.Z" or ".jar" or ".zip" or ".exe". To do this, you need to associate an extension with a MIME type. Here are some recommended associations:
File Extension Type/Subtype
zip application/zip
jar application/octet-stream
bin, sfx, exe application/octet-stream
Z application/x-compress
gz application/x-gzip
sh application/x-sh
pdf application/pdf
ps application/postscript
A "quick fix" for this is to try one of the following, which will allow you to download the file right away:
Hold down the "Shift" key at the same time as you click on the link, or
Right-click your mouse on the link, which will bring up a menu box. Select the option to "Save Target As" or "Save Link As" (depending on your browser) and save the file to the desired location.