Hi Guys!
Thank you all for waiting! We've just posted a few sample exercises and mocks on the wickedlysmart website, free for you to download.
The mock is fairly small, about 470k,
jsp stuff is bigger, about 2.7 meg.
We know it's big, but all of you HFer's know that HF stuff is very big and graphical
These samples should be helpful in your studies, AND they're right from the book,so you get a chance to see what this book is like.
Warning!! The "mock" sample contains about 4 questions from the book's master, final mock, so if you want to get the best benefit from the final mock, don't download the mock sample.
The JSP sample contains exercises AND a few mock questions from the chapter, and these questions ARE NOT on the final exam, so you won't spoil the final mock if you just download the scriptless JSP sample.
Disclaimer: These samples are not directly from the publisher's final, but we're pretty sure that they are exactly like what's in the book - translation - if you find an errata, please let us know, but we might have already found it!
We'll post a few more sample pages in a few days!
Here's the link:
Head First Servlet mocks
Have fun,
Bert and Kathy
p.s. we think Amazon will be shipping 8/25 - hats off to O'Reilly for rushing this book to press - it was late because we just had to make it bigger, and bigger...