I can relate to your situation of searching for job. Been there , Faced that.
To start with couple suggestions
1) Make your resume such a way that it reflects overall j2ee skills.
Strategy : Search on to dice.com, monster.com, to look for j2ee jobs.
Apart from java what all skills employers are looking for.
In general if you want to get into j2EE, you are expected to be familiar with Concept of Java, JSP, Servlets,
Struts ( Head First Servlet and JSP book is real good one to get sound understating of JSP,SERVLET, STRUTS), XML ( basic understanding), and any of the App server and webserver. Download free version of WSAD ( web spehere Application Developer studio - its trial version is free).
If you can afford take help from professional resume writers such as monster have their own resume services. Its a personal experience of my friends that they got average one call per week for a job when they had resume done through professional service than others who got average 1 call per month with ordinary resume.
Again to summarize java, jsp,servlets, xml, struts, webspehere,
tomcat ,
jboss - overall knowledge should be good enough for you to get interview calls.
you may not get job at very first interview but then every previous interview will prepare you for the next interview..and thats the way to go.
Good luck with your job search