Anselm Paulinus
Very good question. What do we do at work years go by. When C++ was in its prime Gang of 4 was the bible ,there was really no standardization.but as one got experienced lowly design patterns caught on. But medium sized projects, I did not see them much used, it was more for I know this in the interview process. WE described them as techniques.
When frameworks started being popular design pattern caught on. When Java came by the C++ band wagon moved on to java in the early stages patterns were not named , people used good design techniques such as OMT, TRumba , Booch methodologies. The frame work developers definitely used well known patterns.
It is now that there is a lot of emphasis on the name and style.Otherwise it most designers did the same thing without calling it a factory and so on.
Specifically answering the question on working on what for 4 years in java
I was on the web development. Not Swing or Application progrmming. Lot of JSP and using web tools like vignette, ATG Dynamo, BLue Martiny, BroadVision.
Basically architecting and designing the overall aspects. Most work places use some tool or other, the frame work will already be there what you would code is a little bit here and a little bit there. Basically what we do is not monolithic anymore it is putting together. Well I don't consider
writing JSP and some servlets as part of core coding experience.
We can relate this easily to
A one liner whether certification is useful at work place the answer is
1. Yes at interviews you can answer specifs, as now in this changed world people are asking syntax and more detailed how tos.
2, It is a way to know where to get an answer when you are posed with a problem. You don't have to start opening and browsing the books then. This will help if your manager is micro managing you.
3. Gives confidence one more feather in your hat.
Trust me most people in the work force will tell you certification is not necessary bla bla. Finally it is what works best for you