Hello, In jweb+ mock exams, there is one question on EL which is like
Consider the following code appearing in a JSP file:
<% request.setAttribute("names", new String[]{ "A", "B", "C" } ); request.setAttribute("index", "1"); %> <h1><!-- insert code here --></h1> Which of the following statements will print B in inserted in the above JSP page? Select 3 correct options
The answer listed are: b ${names[1]} c ${names.index} d ${names[index]}
By the way the other options listed for this question are: a ${names.1} e ${names.$index} f ${names[$index]}
Reading HFSJ, I thought ${name.index}, can be used only when the first attribute is a Map or a Bean and the second one after the . is a key in a Map or a property in a Bean. Further, I remember reading that for Array Lists, List etc the [] operator needs to be used.
You are correct. I tried some coding and proved c is wrong. Here is the error message I got:
The "." operator was supplied with an index value of type "java.lang.String" to be applied to a List or array, but that value cannot be converted to an integer.
In ${names["index"]} "index" is a string literal so it will not work However ${names[index]} ie without quotes will work since we have set the index var in the request
ie ${names[index]} --> ${names["1"]} -------> first
And yeah , i didnt explain properly in my previous post ${names["1"]} is valid in case of EL though not in java
You have tried the wrong expression . If you look at my previous post the expression i had suggested is ${names[index]} whereas the expression you tried is ${names[${index}]}
This is because when nesting expressions you need to use only one $ sign If 2 or more present then the error you got is thrown
Morover even with the first expression i dont think it will work since you are setting the var in the request scope and trying to access it in the same page (which is not in request scope )
try putting it in the page scope with the first expression i suggested
Thanks, Shiva. ${names[index]} works. And I don't have to put it in page scope since the EL automatically checks request scope when it's not in page scope.
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