I've a strange errore while using the <c:set> tag.
I'm trying to setting a new value in an element of a Map but when i execute the
jsp i receive this error : javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: Invalid property in <set>: "first"
tomcat version is : 5.0.19 and my jdk version is : 1.4.2_03
This is part of the code of my jsp:
<% Map m = new HashMap();
<c:set var="myMap" value="<%=m%>" scope="page" />

ut value="Map In Page scope: " />

ut value="<%=pageContext.getAttribute("myMap")%>" default=" Map not in page scope" />

ut value="Class: " />

ut value="<%=pageContext.getAttribute("myMap").getClass()%>" default=" Map not in page scope" />

ut value="New Value for the element with key = first: " />
<c:set value="firstVal" target="myMap" property="first" />

ut value="${pageScope.myMap.first}" />
If i delete the last three instructions the code works fine and i can see the initial map entry displayed in the output page
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my code ?
Thank you.