Hello everybody...
This forum is really helpful i must say. I cleared my SCWCD exam yesterday with 85%.
Here are some of the things i noticed which should be taken care of while preparing for the Exam :
1) This exams needs u to memorize much more than the
SCJP exam.
2) Study the elements for deployment of
EJB's in deployment descriptor, there will be questions on deployment on EJB's in DD. I got 3 of them.
3) Study the Design
Patterns throughly. It's easy to score if u know the key points of each Pattern. There are many questions, I got 7 questions on patterns.
4) Lay stress on EL, tag-libs....questions on these will be in abundance.
5) If u want to score more than 90% ur EL and taglib should be good.
Preparation sources i used:
1) I used the Mannings Study Kit book. There r some problems with the book.
Though the intial part of the book is great. I am listing the problem- some chapters, for which u need to refer the material from outside. The best source i believe would be the Specifications.
Chp no. 13 on EL.........Don't study this chapter from this book. Instead read the
JSP specification V2 for this. that will be excellent and u'll do good.
The book does not cover DD elements for EJB's.....study them from somewhere else.
Read the documentation for the Lister classes and interfaces. (HttpSessionEvent, HttpSessionListener, HttpSessionAttributeListner, ServletContextListener, etc)....Documentation will give u a clear picture as to when the methods implemented by the listener classes are called by the container.
As to mock tests....i had used Enthuware's Jweb+ V4....it was pretty good.
I will suggest that u give atleast some mock exams before u take the actual
I had also given HFSJ final mock exam.....The options given were really confusing.....don't worry the options in the real exam won't be as confusing as HFSJ.
If u have any other queries....i'll try and reply them.