Hi prasad,
What is the exact sequence in which various web-app components are loaded (i.e. filters, listeners, context, servlets, etc...).
Context, filters, listeners and servlets
How are HTTP methods resolved for direct client calls to JSPs? For instance, if I do POST from a page to a JSP, how does the container know that it is to use doPost when none is explicitly implemented?
Jsp is nothing but servlet. HttpServlet class provides the empty implementation for each of the doXXX() . First the container will call the service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res) of the HttpServlet.Second, this service method calls the service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) of the same class. Third This method analyse the request and finds out which method is being used.Depending on the HTTP method, it calls the appropriate doxxx().
I hope, this will help you
I dont know the answer for your 3rd question
bye for now