Design Pattern:
1. Is Intercepting filter a Presentation tier or Business Tier Pattern ?
* If you learn what those three terms mean, it will be very obvious.
2. How is struts related to MVC and front controller pattern ?
* Struts is a framework that boasts both but I don't think it's important for the
Standard Tags (please refer to JSTL spec ):
1. How can i iterate over key and value sets returned through keySet() and entrySet() methods of following map in a <c:forEach > tag :
java.util.Map capitalMap=new java.util.HashMap();
capitalMap.put("Tamil Nadu","Chennai");
*I believe you can specify .key and .value on your iterated items.
2. What is the use of var attribute in <c:if> tag ? Please give a simple example?
* var here will be a Boolean that represents the evaluation of the test attribute
3. In the JSTL spec., var attribute of <c:forEach > tag has been mentioned as optional in both the syntaxes. So how can i access value of current item in a List without specifying var attribute ?
* I don't think you can.
You should only leave out var if you don't need access to the objects:
<c:forEach start="1" end="10">
I'm displaying this 10 times.