i have two
string arrays
servlet String [] s1 = {"A","B","C"};
String [] s2= {"X","Y","Z"};
java.util.List slist = new java.util.ArrayList
Now i forward the request to a
jsp in Jsp
I'm using C:forEach tag.... i want the output to be
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 X
5 Y
6 Z
how i can use the varStatus to get the total count !!!
Rajesh <br /> <br />SCJP1.4 SCWCD1.4 SCBCD 1.3 ,SCDJWS(Preparing..)<br /> <br />There is no free will.It is the phenomenon bound by cause and effect.But there is something behind will which is free---Swami Vivekananda...