The servlet container may create multiple instances of the servlet and dispatch each servlet request to a different servlet instance.
J2ee says YES to this.HFS says NO
How can container have many instances?
Also let me know does this Model, makes Instance variables thread safe?
What is difference in Instance and class variables?
And Does this Model effect Final instance variables? ARe they thread safe before and after it???
Work Hard, Expect The Worst...<br /> <br />Bimal R. Patel<br />(SCJP 1.2, SCWCD 1.4)
Ravi Sankar Appana<br />SCJP 1.4
There would be only one servlet instance always, even if there are two URL-mappings for the same servlet.
If the SingleThreadModel (deprecated as per 2.4 Spec) is used, the container creates one instance of the servlet, and queues up the requests for that servlet, serving one client at a time.
Work Hard, Expect The Worst...<br /> <br />Bimal R. Patel<br />(SCJP 1.2, SCWCD 1.4)
Ravi Sankar Appana<br />SCJP 1.4
SCJP 5 - SCWCD 1.4 - SCBCD 1.3 - Certification study documents/resources:
Narendra Dhande
SCJP 1.4,SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 5.0, SCDJWS 5.0, SCEA 5.0
SCJP | SCWCD | SCBCD | SCWSD 5 | SCEA (I) 1.4 | SCEA 5 | IBM SOA 669
Narendra Dhande
SCJP 1.4,SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 5.0, SCDJWS 5.0, SCEA 5.0
SCJP | SCWCD | SCBCD | SCWSD 5 | SCEA (I) 1.4 | SCEA 5 | IBM SOA 669
Narendra Dhande
SCJP 1.4,SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 5.0, SCDJWS 5.0, SCEA 5.0
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