Hi friends.
Yesterday i cleared the SCWCD exam with 91% in 1 hour and 10 minutes

. It took me 3 and a half months to prepare for it. I scored 77% on the final HFSJ mock exam.
Thanks to: - First off, i'd to thank my wife and daughter, who were always there for me and supported me throughout the entire preparation.
- Bates, Sierra and Basham, because if it wasn't for there magnificent book, i would not be typing this up right now. If you don't already have it,
what are you waiting for? - JavaRanch and all of it ranchers, (mainly this forum, of course). Thanks to all you guys threads, i learnt
alot and made me ask myself some more questions.
Preparation + Recomendations: -
Head First Servlets and
JSP is ALL you need. Trust me. Read it at least twice.
- The only mock exams which i did were JavaRanch's SCWCD mocks (
you should be getting 100% in that) and jdiscuss.com's free JWebPlus mocks for SCWCD 1.4. This last ones tone is similar to that on the actual exam. (By the way, it's NEVER to early to start doing mocks).
- Skim over the Servlets spec. But don't go crazy reading the whole thing. Once again, all you need is HFSJ, and read a little on Dynamic Attribute.
On the day: - RELAX. The last thing you want is to rush through the exam or get nervous and not read the questions properly. When i went for my exam yesterday, there was a big problem. I had to fly from the Canary Islands to Madrid to do my exam. I went and came back on the same day (i left at 6:40 in the morning and got there at 10:00 in the morning). The exam was SUPPOSED to be at 13:00, and my flight back was at 17:20. The problem was that the center in which i was going to do the exam had a connection problem with Prometric's server, and they ended up fixing it at 14:45. SO i had to really rush through it or else i would of missed my plane

. I was really angry because i know if i would of taken my time, i would of got a better score. But still, i'm quite happy with what i got.
Once again, thanks everyone and good luck to those who are going to take the exam in the near future.
Kind regards,
[ March 18, 2006: Message edited by: Marcelo Ortega ]
[ March 18, 2006: Message edited by: Marcelo Ortega ]