From the
servlet spec 2.4 (SRV 13.3), from the XML-Schema of the DD, some elements are in a xsd:choice element with this definition :
Which means elements declared in this
choice block can be used (
minOccurs) to any times (no limit, as unbounded value of
maxOccurs tells us).
In these elements you find :
welcome-file-listservletservlet-mappingmime-mappingerror-pagejsp-configetc... This proves that welcome-file-list element may appear 0 to multiple times in a DD.
About the
welcome-file sub-elements, they are defined in the welcome-file-listType complex type this way :
This means they can appear 1 (no minOccurs attributes, default for xsd:element is 1) to many (maxOccurs set to
So in a welcome-file-list, you must have at least one welcome-file, but beside this rule, you may have as many as you wish.
Specs always help
[ March 22, 2006: Message edited by: Frederic Esnault ]