Thanks for your kind words...
Always when you give an answer you also give an explanation and justification.
That's something I try to encourage: think about
why something works the way it does and you'll have a better understanding of
how things happen... Then passing the exam (and being a better programmer) follows quickly because all the facts fit into place. For example, if you know <c:remove /> uses the JspContext.removeAttribute(String) method, then providing you remember the behaviour of that method (which you have to anyway for the exam), then you'll be fine. Try to
memorise too much and you're bound to forget something! Bald facts mean very little (which is why I'm pleased to find you're actually deploying applications and trying your own examples, a skill which many exam candidates fail to see the importance of).
As a side note, in SCWCD Study Guide by David Bridgewater there's also said that default value for <c:remove>'s scope attribute is page scope.
It's an easy mistake to make, as in
nearly all the cases in JSTL, if no 'scope' attribute is provided, the default is 'page' (you won't often go wrong by assuming this if in doubt). This is made worse in print by publishers' deadlines!
[ April 16, 2006: Message edited by: Charles Lyons ]