posted 18 years ago
Ernesto, it is a well known fact that the container creates an instance of every <servlet/> it encounters in the DD,
In the SCWCD study kit, it is clearly mentioned that this technique maybe used to create instances of servlets with different init-params
you want to initialize servlet A with info for DataBase 1 & its username pass
say you map it to /servA/DB1,
but at another path you would also want another path where the same servlet is initialized for to be able to access DB2 with the appropriate username and pass-> /serrA/DB2
Instead of creating 2 servlets, you create one servlet but put 2 <servlet/> tags in the DD specifying the appropriate init-params
and then you configure the two servlets for ur mappings
thats it, now you can make the same servlet query different databases by just changing the request url