Passed SCWCD 1.4 with 95 % last Saturday. Missed 3 questions. The Exam is straight forward. No tricky question. Either you know the answer or do not know. No Bulky questions.
Want to study the Web component technologies Got the Discounted voucher in one Sun Seminar which was expiring on end of this July. So decided to take the exam. Main job assignments not on
Java technologies, but studying due to personal interest.
Got 7/8 questions on design
Got 7/8 questions on EL.
Custom Tags questions are very easy.
Got one question on usage of
Lot of questions on methods of request, response and session very easy.
One question on SVR 9.7.2 Web application class Loader , totally stumped, Missed one question here.
No question on variable directive of tag file. one easy question on Dynamic attribute.
Missed one question in session management. Don't know which. All the questions are very easy.
Missed one question on usage on JSTL. Very Easy, But tried to review the drag and drop question at last minute,. The answer is disturbed.
Happy with the score. Main source for preparation is Specifications. Do not want to under estimate the books HF and Deshmukh's study Kit. But want to study other related topics in deep. HF contains most of the thing required for the exam. Little bit precaution with the Deshmukh's book when studying the Tag Library as it refer to the old version of tld's. and assumption about the XML document.
Stick up with the JavaRanch fourm. Very good place to study, for the person like me. Lot of concepts cleared from the forum. I am not working directly on the JAVA technologies as a main assignments. So the JavaRanch forum is point of contact related to java for me. Thanks all the Java Ranchers.
Found three question which have no valid answers. Can identify the question as I know which question I missed. One of the question in these have all the valid answers and ask to select three options. One question is on the RequestDispatcher and one on the Cutom tag Library. After the
test , I tried practically and found that there are no valid answers, but survived luckly. I have put the comments in the exam for these questions. Selected best options for these questions and evaluated as correct.
Tried j2eeCertificate.com Mock questions. The Enthuware free exam on the jdiscuss.com is very closed to real exam. Got 90 to 94 % in all the four Mock exams.
Tried HF final Mock exam two days before the exam. Got 87 % in the exam. This exam is very bulky compare to the real exam.
Thanks to Charles Lyons for your cool replays for the questions posted in this forum. Help me greatly to clear the basics. Gone through your free chapter on security. The contents are very good. Not yet seen your book in Mumbai, India.
Next planning for OCP and then
EJB. Waiting for the new version of EJB.
Thanks again to all.