Hi all, many many thanks for all your posts and study notes you guys n gals are totally of the hook wicked! I found this exam a real struggle compared to the programmer and found myself thinking why am i having to learn the name of this method and return type when i can just use predictive text or google it in a couple of mins out in the real world. However i found once i started passing the mock exams on enthuware which i used it was making more sense because of knowing all these small details so stick with it if anyone is finding themselves doubting the exam.
My Resources
+Java Ranch!!
+SCWCD Exam Study Kit:
Java Web Component Development Certification book which is what i started with. It didn�t suit me and found i wasn�t taking any of the information in. There�s a lot of text of factual text on each page and found that whilst reading this i was having to administer a lot of black shoe polish to my graying hair :-p
+ HFSJ - i bought this book after many months struggling with the one above and found this a LOT better. Really suited myself with plenty of pictures and allowed the reader to really get into how it all fit together.
+Enthuware exam simulator - i found this not as good as the one for the programmer exam. I mean it still did the job however i took the SCWCD exam twice to pass it and the questions varied from this simulator with some topics not being covered. In the programmer exam i got like 10% more than in the simulator questions which is great. But for SCWCD it was more like the reverse which surprised me for the first exam.
What i did was read chapter by chapter in the book and after each chapter i would
test my self on that section in the simulator. Once the book was covered i took all the standard tests twice making post it notes on all the answers that i was getting wrong and memorized them.
Im now off to have ti many martonis!!
Kindest Regards,