SCJP 5.0 July 25, 2006. One week after the exam, started to learn
JSP and
Servlet, using HFSJ. (Have no experience with JSP and Servlet before)
Today, passed SCWCD 88%
My personal experience, SCWCD1.4 is much easier than SCJP5.0
If full-time preparation, two or three weeks are enough. I am working part-time and new semester started at the middle of August. Therefore I spent four weeks for preparation.
I finished reading HFSJ two times, Mikalai Zaikin's SCWCD Study Guide one time, and looked through Frederic Esnault 1.4 notes the night before exam.
Key things:
1. Need to memorize a lot of APIs.
2. Set up the
Tomcat Web Container, play around those examples from HFSJ books.
Thanks for HFSJ, a wonderful book.
My Mock Exam Results:
HFSJ Mock Exam: 65%
Jiris Mock Exam: 76%
Javaranch Mock Exam: 92%