I got through SCWCD last week with 78 %. Actually I�m not satisfied with the score because the questions which appeared in the exam were easy but the reason was I didn�t practice enough mock questions.
However I must thank everyone who supported me. Majority of the credit should go to authors of HFSJ. The book is fantastic. Keep up the good work. And not to forget other Head First series books. I got SCBCD and Design
Patterns books too. They are also as good as this one. But I couldn�t find SCMAD. What is the reason?
I have to say something about the exam. Almost 99% was covered in the HFSJ. But I got a listener question which is confusing according to the �errata�. Other than that, questions are easy. People who prepare for the exam be careful about the �BANG� boxes because they are on the exam exactly as it is and also exam
test every area in the book and it�s better to look at JSTL specification when they explicitly say so. The final exam is little bit tougher. (I got 42 out of 69)
And also I must thank ranchers. Thank you everyone for helping me and looking forward to get help from you.
What will be the next? Most probably it will be SCBCD and it will be in next year.
And thank you again and good luck for the people who wish to do the exam.
Thank you