Hi Ranchers,
I'm new to this forum. I need some help regarding taking up the SCWCD exam. I have purchased the Head First JSP/Servlets book. I'm a beginner. I have a good understanding of
Java basics. I want to know how I can start preparing JSP/Servlets. Can I practice through the use of an
IDE?? I use netBeans. I would also like to know a bit about web containers like Tomcat/Weblogic. Can anyone please let me know which one to go for?? If we want to use Weblogic for netBeans, how can I do that?
Anyone please guide me in setting up the environment like below so that I can start my preparations for the SCWCD.
netBeans 5.5 version -- I have it bundled with
Tomcat but I want to use Weblogic instead.
Anyone please help me.
Jothi Shankar Kumar. S