posted 18 years ago
I have cleared SCWCD exam today with 72%. Thanks to javaranch friends. I felt the real exam was tougher than the mock exams which i practised. Questions were lengthy so didn't get time to revise it. Finally got relief and happy with my score . [rolling]
Thanks to authors of HFSJ for their wonderful book.
Mikalai Zaikin notes was really helpful each and everyline is important for the real exam. Donot miss it.
Few things refered from spec(clsses, interfaces , methods with return type and arg)
The mocks which i used was Whizlab, Enthuware and HFSJ final mock. The real exam questions were similar like Enthuware and HFSJ final mock.
I think its to relax myself. Once again thank you all.
All the best to everyone.
Take care