Dear Ranchers,
I pass the SCWCD exam with 76%. I only read the HFSJ book and did 3 mock exams.
My suggestions to ranchers who wants to take the SCWCD to stay focus on these as majority of questions were on
1. JSTL &
JSP Custom tags.
2. Session Management
3. Security & Desin
Pattern 4. EL
5. Web deployment.
Yes, read HFSJ throughlyand take it exam when you think you are ready. I read it for 2 weeks. It's a wonderful book and so is the writers.
boost your score take all the mock exams and get your hands on other certification books as well.
My next goal to get through SCBCD (3/9)
Thanks to all the ranchers to make this website really useful. I truly appreciate all your help. I couldn't have done it without your help.
Sanjiv Kumar