Can someone confirm this
1. if i use getRequestDispatcher("string") to get the dispatcher and then
a. use forward on the dispatcher -
the following attributes :
Value of
javax.servlet.include.request_uri : will be same the first request in the filterchain or same as those of
servlet from which request was forwarded
javax.servlet.include.context_path - will be same the first request in the filterchain or same as those of servlet from which request was forwarded
javax.servlet.include.servlet_path - will be same the first request in the filterchain or same as those of servlet from which request was forwarded
javax.servlet.include.path_info - will be same the first request in the filterchain or same as those of servlet from which request was forwarded
javax.servlet.include.query_string - querystring used while creating requestdispatcher
b use include on the dispatcher -
the following attributes :
Value of javax.servlet.include.request_uri : will be that of requestdispather and not be the value of the servlet which included this page
javax.servlet.include.context_path : will be that of requestdispather and not be the value of the servlet which included this page
javax.servlet.include.servlet_path : will be that of requestdispather and not be the value of the servlet which included this page
javax.servlet.include.path_info : will be that of requestdispather and not be the value of the servlet which included this page
javax.servlet.include.query_string - querystring used while creating requestdispatcher
2. if getNamedDispatcher is used
a. include / forward
javax.servlet.include.request_uri - not set
javax.servlet.include.context_path - not set
javax.servlet.include.servlet_path - not set
javax.servlet.include.path_info - not set
javax.servlet.include.query_string - not set
[ February 21, 2007: Message edited by: Vinod Iyer ]