Hi Guys
I passed SCWCD today with 89%.I am one of the silent members of the forum.
It took me almost 364 days to make my mind to write the exam, i.e. after purchasing the voucher on April 1 2006. I had to write it before 31Th March 2007.
And trust me it�s a nice feeling now, having completed the SCWCD.
So regarding my preparation: - I have good experience in
Java, so it made my life little easier. But still there were lots of things which I dint know(EL, tags,filters, listeners). And definitely Head First was my first choice.
I read HFSJ once in September 2006 and then kept quite for almost 5 months and start reading again in March, completed it in 2 weeks, daily 2 hours of reading, spending some extra hours at work place to complete it. And finally wrote the HSFJ final exam on 28th (scored 50%

) and thought it�s high time and I should put more effort, so for next 24 hrs I was went through all these documents
1.Frederic notes.
2.Dynamic attributes by bryan
3.I went through my notes too, but frankly speaking Frederic notes ware better

than mine
4.Whizlab: diagnostic, final exam and also the quiz, I started scoring around 70-80 %.
5.Some part of
servlet spec.
6.Finally got up at 5 am on the exam day, as I had to give the exam at 9am, so went through my notes and also Frederic�s.
7.Also made a sample application and ran most of the things what I learnt in
Exam was pretty easy, I was expecting it be tough, but may be I was lucky.
So thanks for all the questions and solutions given in the forum.
Its time to buy SCBCD voucher, hopefully I will complete it by March 2008.

[ March 30, 2007: Message edited by: sanket reddy ]