The spec mentions
The page attribute of both the jsp:include and the jsp:forward actions are interpreted relative to the current JSP page, while the file attribute in an include directive is interpreted relative to the current JSP file.
It further gives an example:
consider the following four situations built using four
JSP files: A.jsp, C.jsp, dir/B.jsp and dir/C.jsp:
� A.jsp says <%@ include file=�dir/B.jsp�%> and dir/B.jsp says <%@ include
file=�C.jsp�%>. In this case the relative specification �C.jsp� resolves to �dir/C.jsp�
� A.jsp says <%@ include file=�dir/B.jsp�%> and dir/B.jsp says <jsp:include
page=�C.jsp�/>. In this case the relative specification �C.jsp� resolves to
How does the above work out and what does the statement mean?