I cleared the SCWCD exam today with 86%.
The break-up of the questions per objective is as follows.
Servlet Technology Model - 6
2)The Web Container Model - 7
3)Session Management -7
4)Web Apllication Security - 6
JSP pages using EL - 5
6)Building JSP pages using Standard Actions - 4
7)Building JSP pages using Tag Libraries - 8
8)Building a Custom Tag Library - 5
J2EE patterns - 6
10 and 11)The structure and deployment of web application and The JSP Technology Model - 15.
I scored full marks in 10 and 11 and missed one question each in rest of the objectives.
I found a mistake in one of the questions. It said about including static content (a HTML page) from a JSP and it had given names of both the files but in all the choices the name of a third file name was there.
For my preparations I used the HFSJ book, read some parts of the specs, referred to Mikalai Zaikin notes (they are good as a lot of stuff is directly picked up from the specs), went through the notes of Frederic Esnault, read Mark Peabody's notes on design patterns(Mark I missed a question
). For mock exams I used JWeb Plus by Enthuware, I found the product very helpful (the pattern of the questions is quite similar to the real exam questions) but it has some typo errors.
I would like to thanks Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra and Bryan Basham for writing a great book, I would also like to thank Mikalai Zaikin Frederic Esnault and Mark Peabody for their wonderful notes, last but not the least I would like to thank all the Ranchers for their help and support.
All the best to everyone!