Originally posted by naresh govindaswmay:
hi I do not know in which situtation transfer of object is occur in a application.At what time the coupling and decoupling is occur...
Coupling doesn't refer to the
behavior of classes, it refers to how classes are
designed to relate with one another. It's not something that happens at a specific point in runtime execution, it's just the way things are made.
Let's say
you were designed to always hold hands with Angelina Jolie. That's tight coupling because everything you do could effect her and everything she does could effect you. You're physically attached. There's not much room for flexibility in your life.
Flexibility is good. If one part needs to change, and the pieces are decoupled, then the other parts won't have to be bothered. This can save a lot of programming time and limit the number of bugs introduced with new changes.