Java Ranchers,
Yesterday I cleared SCWCD 5.
Many thanks to you all for all your postings and answers.
I thought don���t specify my success because as all Java Ranchers getting good % my success wont fit here.
I read Garlapati Kumar���s comment. He has shared his great and valuable experience. By his comments only I decided to write this.
I am not working in Java technology but had good practice. And gone through most material (DTD,DesignPatterns,API etc ) which were shared here by our friends and HFSJ, Manning and Java beat material and many online exams.
Actually I started preparation for SCWCD 1.4 but after I read comments here then started for SCWCD 5 and completed successfully. I had read HFSJ book which was written for 1.4. And I read it twice and did mock exam at end of that book got 80%.
This is very good book helped me a lot. And I have also read Manning book for Tags and design
patterns and some other topics.
I can say that you can not completely depend on HFSJ. As Garlapati specified you need to have other stuff like good understanding of API (MUST) and minimum practice.
���I got 100% in
J2EE patterns. (Peabody���s material helped a lot).
���100% in Building a Custom Tag Library (Manning and HFSJ books helped)
���100% in Building
JSP Pages using EL(HFSJ is excellent for EL)
I really appreciate SUN because maintaining these Standards. We can feel our hard work and success by getting this type of achievements.
Friend���s only one suggestion is we need to have good understanding and practice of the concepts (With API) to get this certificate.
SCJP 1.5