I read in Head First Servlet and Jsp that if a client open a new window, the container can see the request from the second window as coming from the same session. How can it be possible?? sending the same JSESSIONID ?
I guess, you might have been confused a little bit with the new window.Simple example is that when you right click and select 'Open in new window' from a page in session, the new request from the second window will get the same session.
I thought that they meant "If you open two browsers, for example, Firefox and Explorer" the container can see the request from the second browser as coming from the same session" That's because of my poor english ....
No second window means second instance of same browser(IE or Firefox).you can try it.open your gmail or yahoo account then open second window of same browser and again enter gmail.com or yahoo.com.It will not ask you for your user id and password.It will directly open your account.It means session is already present there and second window using same session.I hope it will clear your doubt.
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