Are there more than 6 patterns on the exam? This is answered in the
ScwcdFaq. Look for the question near the bottom:
Why am I seeing Design Patterns in mock exams that aren't in the objectives?
What's this MVC is old/new Model 1/Model 2 stuff? MVC used to be a pattern that could be implemented for each and every UI component (like a button, textfield, or dropdown). It was a strategy for splitting components into three seperate parts to make them easier to code and maintain.
Years later we were making web application where the entire web side was made up of JSPs. This meant we were cramming all kinds of icky logic into scriptlets that were difficult to code and maintain.
Then, all of a sudden, someone magically realised that if we split up our JSP ickiness into multiple, more manageable pieces, life becomes a lot easier. Then someone said, "Wow, this was a good idea. It actually reminds me of a pattern we used to use for our itty-bitty UI components called MVC."
Then folks realized they didn't have a name for the old icky way of doing JSPs. So they decided to call the old way Model 1 and they called the new, MVC, way of doing things Model 2.
icky JSPs = Model 1
MVC webapps = Model 2
Somewhere through history some folks started muddying the terms MVC and Model 2 together into the term: MVC 2... so you might come across that term too.
So the "MVC" pattern got reused in a new context: Web Applications. Fortunately for you, this is the only kind you need to worry about for the exam.
Is Struts MVC or Front Controller? It follows MVC and has a Front Controller to help it out. MVC and Front Controller have a special relationship - they're so hand-in-hand that a lot of people get these two mixed up in exam questions. Anyway, pretty much every MVC framework has a Front Controller... kind of like how every big business has a receptionist. It's not a one-or-the-other deal. The two exist together quite nicely.