It has been done!!! Thanks to Charles, Bear, Marcus, Kathy, Bert the forums and the
test makers at Whizlabs!!!
Here's the resources:
1) HFJS Book 2nd Edition
2) SCWCD Study Companion
3) Mock Exams: Whizlabs, JavaRanch SCWCD exam, Marcus Green 3 exams
Here's the approach:
As the HFJS book suggests, don't take the exam at the end of the book...wait till you feel like you are ready. Then take it...then realize you aren't ready...and study some more.
Used the HFJS as my primary resource but whenever the section was to light, I would cross reference with the Developer Companion which worked quite well. After each section, do the tests, do all the exercises. If you think you may have memorized the answers from trying to many times, switch to Lyon's book and try that chapters questions. If you don't score around a 90%, read that chapter in Lyons. Once you gotten through the books, take the whizlab exam, figure out your weak areas and concentrate on those. Do this for about 8 weeks. Spend around 2 hours a day and on weekends make it count. Save Marcus final exam for a week before the test, then tackle it, try the final exam on whizlabs a few days if you don't pass. Finally, take the Mock exam.
Things to point out:
I would like to personally thank the test makers for making their questions 100% crystal clear. They ask precisely what is required to make a correct answer. I didn't have any questions like most on the mock exam which could be subject to interpretation...or worse wasn't covered at all in the book.
Best of Luck!!