Hey, welcome to the ranch, GreenHorn.
I appreciate your kind words. Thanks for recognizing all the work I put into
my site. I'm always hoping to sell a book or two, but I try to give away as much free stuff as possible, especially the free tutorials on portal and
J2EE development. You wouldn't believe how long it took to put all those together.
Now to your questions.
1. I want to be SCJP certified. Do I need to take SCJA also? If yes, how is it going to help me?
SCJA is not a pre-requisite for the SCJP exam. So, if you want to jump into SCJP without the SCJA, you can.
How will the SCJA help you? Well, right off the bat, an extra certification under your belt can't hurt.

I mean, that's sorta what
alot of us do - we collect certifications like they were hockey
cards or something.

It looks great on a resume.
As far as the benefit SCJA will have on your pursuit of the SCJP? Well, you have to remember SCJP is just a programmer exam - you've really got to know all the ins and outs of the language, even the tiniest little things. But the exam is all about programming. SCJA is only about 35% programming centric, and even then, it is big picture syntax, not minutia like the SCJP. So, SCJA will help you learn the basics before you jump into the SCJP certification. Essentially, it's a strong foundation upon which to build.
Plus, just taking a certification gives you more practice at taking the exams. There is an art to taking and passing certification exams. SCJA is certainly a ramp towards SCJP, SCWCD,
SCEA and the others.
2. I have Java's Complete Reference and a few Java ebooks, including certification books with question bank (but the old exam format). Can I prepare for SCJP with these or do i need ExamScam by Cameron?
Java's Complete Reference? I haven't read it, but the title doesn't exactly get me into a studying mood. I'm sure it covers Java thoroughly, but is it a reference or a training tool? I'm not sure.
As far as old Java books go, I think most of their information still holds true on the newer certifications, certainly 1.4. But if you use the old books, make sure you print out the exam objectives from Sun. In fact, the exam objectives should be the holy grail when studying for an exam. If you start reading something, and you can't find the topic on the objectives list, you may be wasting your time. Regardless of what you read or do, keep the objectives close at hand. If you see an objective you don't feel confident in, or you don't believe has been covered properly, do some extra research.
3. How is your book going to help me prepare for SCJP certification, as it is mainly intented for SCJA certification?
Well, I'm all about selling copies of my SCJA Certification Study Guide, but I can't tell you it will get you over the SCJP hump. Humbly, I'd say my book has the best discussion of OOA and OOD that you'll find, and it covers those releated SCJP topics fairly well. There's also a bit on Java fundamentals. But if you had to buy a book or two just to get you certified, I'd invest my money in Head First Java and the SCJP Certification Guide by Bates and Sierra.
Personally, I think the SCJA is a more fun exam, and more well rounded exam. It exposes you to less syntax, although there is a fair bit of syntax in it. But SCJA creates a more well rounded candidate, as it tests you not only on your knowledge of fundamental Java, but about JSPs, J2ME, J2EE,
Servlets, Topics, Queues, OOA&D, JNDI, RMI, and all of the other technologies that you'll get asked about if you go out on a job interview. But then again, I'm trying my best to pump two books on SCJA, so I might be biased.
Kindest regards!
-Cameron McKenzie
[ October 25, 2007: Message edited by: Cameron McKenzie ]