Hello Friends ,
Since I found lot of people struggling to know about exactly how to register for the
SCJD in India , I have given below the following guidelines for the same .Hope this is found useful for SCJD aspirants in India.
For taking up SCJD in India , do the following :
1) Send a mail to Mr.Johnathan of Sun Micro Systems ,Bangalore ,India at the
following mail ID :
[email protected] You will have to inform him the date on which you passed the SCJP2 Exam and also
your Name and Candidate ID as given in your
SCJP Mark Sheet .
2) You will receive a reply from Mr.Johnathan within 2 days informing about the amount to
be paid by D.D for the registering for the SCJD ( for both Assignment as well as Exams ) .
The D.D is Rs.13725/- ( Note : This can also change in future ) to be paid in
favor of "Sun MicroSystems India Pvt. Ltd" payable at Bangalore .
Send the D.D along with a copy of your SCJP Marksheet ( with your email ID and phone number
mentioned on the reverse of the mark sheet ) and send the same
by Registered Post or Courier to :
Sun Microsystems India Pvt. Ltd
6th Floor , Divyashree Chambers
Off Langfors Road
Bangalore - 560027
Board : 91-80-207 8989 / 207 2223 - 38 Extn. 27654
Fax : 91-80-223 1792
Email :
[email protected] 3) After two weeks from that you will receive a courier from Sun Micro Systems ,Bangalore
an Examination Voucher for the Developer Exam to be taken after submitting the Assignment
and simultaneously you will receive a mail from Sun ( U.S.A) about the site from which you will
have to download the assignment .
4) You will have to download the assignment from the site
www.galton.com/~sun .
The assignment will be in the form of a JAR file and you will have to extract the contents by using
appropriate commands .
5) Now you are off to do the assignment .
Wishing you all the Best.
[This message has been edited by mka100 (edited September 11, 2000).]