Originally posted by Christophe Lee:
I know this thread is pretty old but....
Does JCreator (trial version) allow step-through debugging? And how large is the file unzipped?
Just wondering what IDE I should use. Seems textpad might not be enough....
Val SCJP <BR>going for SCJD
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Originally posted by Paul Anil:
Iff you decide on using an IDE, I would recommend Visual Age for Java.
I would really like to learn VAJ
BUT.. ...
What kind of a beast do I need to run it? (I use TextPad on my 64Mb Windows98 machine -is it worth even trying VAJ? )
Is there a stripped down version that is usable? What's the minimum configuration?
Regards, George
Originally posted by Robin Clark:
I've been using Eclipse so far on my project. The reasons why I chose it initially over a plain text editor were for the syntax highlighting and the
debugger. But when Max says it is better to use a plain text editor, it makes me re-think my choice.
Max, what do you think of using a debugger and syntax highlighting?
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