posted 22 years ago
Everyone knows that women have this ability to warp the three space dimensions out of the four-dimensional spacetime manifold; this ability is most frequently exercised in the case of ladies' handbags, which despite their dimunitive size invariably contain more mirrors, lipstick, powders, phones, wallets, perfume, photographs, keys, self-defence apparel and other stuff than the externally observed dimensions of said bag could possibly contain. The most likely explanation I've seen is that of a small portable wormhole extending outside the universe P-brane -- I think this was first hypothesised by Douglas Adams, but correct me if I'm wrong.
Now we all know that Map is exceptionally intelligent with a solid mathematical background to boot. My working theory therefore is that she managed to crack one of the great outstanding problems in physics and extend the principle to the fourth dimension, time. So when she posts to the 'ranch or maintains its pages, she probably withdraws into a wormhole pocket which fits an unreasonable amount of activity into a small bit of elapsed time in the same way that handbags fit an unreasonable amount of stuff inside a small container.
- Peter (who has been reading far too much SF lately)
Peter den Haan | | quantum computing specialist, Objectivity Ltd