hi i am using getRecord to retrieve a record if i try to retrieve 2 records using this method in a loop i only get one and only sometimes i get another one. If i do Thread.sleep for 100 milliseconds i can get all the recods in any time otherwise i only get one or just 2. What can cause this ?
hi i am still experiencing the problem , i hope someone can explain something to me why this happends. All i do is just call this instance method on the Data object like this
i only get one record if i place some sort of time out like Thread.sleep for 100 milliseconds then i get to see all the records i wish. Why does this happen ? Thanks.
sorry to post this again , i found the answer to the problem. Apperantly it was caused by Kawa's IDE. I didn't payed attention much to it , but i started to run in DOS and i gotten corrent results , if i run it in Kawa i only get one record.
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