Hi All Ranchers Professors, Readers and Senior and junior Lecturers. Please I need your help. I want to begin preparing for my SCJD. What topics must I read before downloading the assignment? Is there any free IDE Available with the accompanied documentation on how to use it? I would like to know the URL. Thanks for your help. Emmanuel Bakare. London.
The quickest way to get your information would be to just browse and search messages in this group. Pretty much all of your questions have been asked before. Download the assignment is the first recommendation. There is no time limit on how long you can take. So there is no benefit to wait until you think you are ready. The main book people mention is usually referred to as RHE, Roberts, Heller and Ernst (I think). But for SCJD, no book is really necessary. I would recommend studying tutorials in RMI, Sockets, and Swing to get you started.
I am well ino the project and approaching the documentation state. From my experience - the best help for you here is your basik Java2 API javadocs. I never paid attentio before, but they actually link to multiple java tutorials that can be of help as well. I also keep handy my trusted volumes of Core Java2 by Cay Horstmann.
Hi Emmanuel I am in the same position, I'm waiting for my password, etc to download the assignment. I find that reading the RHE book and generally reading up on rmi, networking and threading issues has helped me gain a valuable insight. Untill I actually get the assignment I can't tell u how helpful the actually are. Good luck, I'm sure u will find load of help in this forum. Onyedima Azu London
Emmanuel, Here's a link to a site that gives free IDE's for Java. Its a borland product called JBuilder. ftp://ftpd.inprise.com/download/jbuilder/jb4foundation/jb4fndwin.zip you'll still have to go to the site and register to get a key to use the IDE but its free. Hope this helps. Akanimo.
Thanks folks for getting back to me promptly about my queries. Udoh, about the IDE,Do you know whether I can get the details of how to use it? Because sometime ago I got the Student version of the Jbuilder 3.0 , but after looking at it, I did not know how to start using it. Regards, Emmanuel