Emmanuel - Javadoc is a requirement.
Here is how I ran it:
The link parameter allows all of the links to be generated for classes in the standard JDK.
I did not use the -private option to show the private variables and classes.
My packages.txt file had a list of all my classes:
Some classes were in packages, others were not. The ones that are .java are not in a package.
Jayakumar - I just got back from my company's mid-year review and there is a big demand for java developers with
J2EE experience, so I think that I will be going for
SCEA next.
Kalyani - I had separate client and server jar files contained in my main jar file.
Here were my intentions: the client and server jar files are used for installation only. So they do not contain any source files or documentation, only the files to run them. So if there were any shared classes, they were placed in both jar files. And since the client COULD run as a standalone application, I placed the db.db file in BOTH jars.
The main jar file contained all source code and documentation for the entire project as well as the client.jar and server.jar.
I did not make the jar files executabls. My instructions required the tester to extract them first. I also copied the stub classes to the client.jar and did not provide any method or instructions for auto downloading of the stub class.