Hi, I am a SCJP2. Now planning to do SCJD. Can anyone please guide me for this Certification. I wanted to know the Syllabus for this Exam. Please suggest me some important link for this. Thanks in advance. Nitin
It involves three components. Writing/completing a database server. Providing a networking protocal for interacting with the db in a thread-safe remote way and lastly a GUI client interface for playing with the records. The amount of actual requirements are few and for the most part the means are more important than the ends. There is a ton of resources in the forum alone so I won't list them. If you want to get started make sure you know a handfull of design patterns, brush up on how RMI and Swing works then download the assignment and give it a shot. Kerry
Thanks Kerry. Also wanted some help on Design patterns. How can I learn them. Please tell me how to learn them. What should I refer to ? Thanks in Advance Nitin
artima.com, jguru.com, theserverside.com as well as books esign Patterns, Design Patterns in Java. The books are nice, each chapter holds many patterns under one category ie (Object Construction patterns, Designing with Aggregation vs Inheritence), and each pattern has source code and explanations.
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