today is the 21st day after i finished my essay and uploading, and i still got no result from sun. i know they said it may take 4 weeks to get a result, but i still feel sick and confused about why the evaluation of such a small app would take so long.
with a little bit training, even a college student can do the job in 10 minutes if he reads such apps everyday. how many apps they could get every day(hundreds? no way) how many evaluators they have?(one or two?) if they give us some serious evaluation, i will not complain. but look at the reports from other guys, what do we get? next to nothing besides a few points cut off here and there. the criteria is simple - nice gui/clear design/good
doc(god knows how much they'll read) = high mark (of course they'll still cut a few points somewhere, as for the specific reasons, you'll never know.)
the whole evaluation process is highly "encapsulated". this is what we pay $400, XXX hours work and XX days waiting for???