hi, yes, unfortunately something similar is happening to me. I uploaded my assignment on Feb. 22nd, took the
test Feb. 26th and was assured by the Prometric test center that my results would be uploaded to Sun by 6pm the same night. Four weeks later, after having heard nothing at all, I wrote to Helen to find out when I should start getting nervous that something was wrong. After several e-mails were exchanged I find out that they also never received my exam. They blame Prometric -- I don't know who to blame. I called up both Prometric and Sun and bothered them until Prometric resent my exam, and Sun confirmed to my via e-mail that they had received it. So now, supposedly, it is being looked at....and I'm not sure how long it will take from here (another 4 weeks?). I think I would advise anyone who goes for this certification to follow up before 4 weeks is up - to actually follow up right away to make sure that the assignment and the exam have been reunited somewhere. Maybe if we bother SUN enough they will implement a form of e-mail acknowledgment the lets the candidate know they have received the exam and are submitting everything to an assessor.
Anyway, good luck...hope you hear something soon.